checking in

From the 16th until the 24th (weekdays only) I was working as a Set PA on a television show. It was a lot of walking, a lot of hard work, but I’m glad I put the time in since I made a lot of valuable contacts (even though I wouldn’t want to do it again). For those who aren’t familiar with my educational background, I went to college at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and graduated with a BA in English (Creative Writing) and a Film Studies Certificate. I completed the Film Studies Certificate in order to get into the Screenwriting classes. It was a lot of fun! I wish I double majored since I wound up almost completing the English major twice due to bad communication from the department. What’s in the past is in the past but the future is ahead of me—as corny as that sounds.

I was asked a lot last week what I ultimately wanted to do with my career. I’m the type of person who doesn’t like to stick to one thing, preferring to wear all different hats. I jokingly call myself a “Jack of all Trades” but that statement is cliché. I don’t want to choose just one thing, so why should I? I sew, I write, I read, I love television, and I love making people laugh and be happy. My dream would be to write for cartoons and maybe even voice in them. I’d like to write a book that could possibly be adapted into a movie. I love to sing. I love attention. I love bettering myself. I’m very into karma and everything happening for a reason, so I let the cards fall where they should. I wish some things didn’t happen this year that did, but I’m trying to mourn and move forward.

My birthday is in less than a week and in exactly a week I’ll be starting voice acting classes! My diet/exercise has derailed this past week but I plan on returning to my more active state once all the hooplah dies down. I’ve also started preparing for Anime Expo, which isn’t going to be that difficult this year (thankfully). Katsucon almost killed me this year, so I’m taking it easy. I’ll post progress and updates before AX!

Have a great week! One of my top ships just became canon so… let’s say I’m riding the fumes. Happy Birthday to me!